Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We Owe You BIG, Sweet Designer Collabo Lines!

We have seen them.  We have judged them.  We have loved them. 

In the past, it's been relatively easy to undermine and verbally slaughter rappers and pop stars who produce clothing lines, but that form of entertainment has rapidly evolved into a substantive discussion about style, economics and accessibility. Now that professional designers are approached to create discount lines for retailers like H&M and TARGET, style and artistry sell the clothes instead of pop drama and dirty laundry.  High fashion is at the fingertips of all from the most resilient buyers (those dedicated few who stand in line at every debut because they want two of whatever-first AND in their size) to those who could care less about the name on the tag.  This shift in orientation has made it possible for discount and trend focused retailers to provide a dynamic selection of fashion for the general audience and to attract a more fashion savvy consumer to an unexpected destination: one who basks in the glory of spending less money and looking as fabulous as the ones who spent more money.  "Designer For" is the order of the day.  Have it with a side of cool.

              T  H  E    C O L L E C T I O N S:   A  T I M E L I N E 

                                        H & M

11/2004  K A R L  L A G E R F E L D  (by Karl Lagerfeld)


11/2006  V I K T O R &  R O L F  


10/2007:  R O B E R T O  C A V A L L I (by Roberto Cavalli)

03/2007:  M   BY  M A D O N N A (by Madonna)

04/2008: T R I B U T E   T O   M A R I M E K O (H&M Design Team)

11/2008: C O M M E S  D E S  G A R C O N (by Rei Kawakubo)

04/2009:  M A T T H E W  W I L L I A M S O N (by Matthew Williamson)

11/2009:  J I M M Y  C H O O (by Tamara Mellon)

12/2009-02/2010- S O N I A  R Y K I E L (K N I T S & L I N G E R I E)

11/2010:  L A N V I N 



M c Q  A L E X A N D E R   M  c Q U E E N

J E A N  P A U L  G A U L T I E R

W I L L I A M  R A S T 


L U E L L A 

P R O E N Z A  S C H O U L E R

GO JUST STAND THERE...(it's worth the wait)

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