Monday, October 12, 2009

the no makeup makeup: campaign to erase eye shadow and other facial ills

Personally, it took me a long time to start wearing makeup (the right way lol!).  So when I find products that give me a polished look without being too heavy or too obvious, I just gush-I can't help it!  I'm making the official introduction of "the no makeup makeup" look:

#1 Clarins Beauty Flash Balm

A multipurpose savior for the visage. The creamy peach colored balm instantly refreshes, tightens the skin and eliminates signs of fatigue, giving the complexion a boost of intense radiance.  Can be worn on bare skin for a healthy, dewy glow, before makeup as a softening primer, or may be used as a 10 minute mask for a high dose of moisture.  Primarily made to improve the skin's texture and appearance, this formula is truly a beauty comfort.

#2 Smashbox Photo- Op Under Eye Brightener

This stuff is a dream.  I know I have done more than enough concealer child's play-trying to find "the" perfect shade that makes me look awake, alert and unmistakably bright- Never found it in a concealer, but I did start to use the Photo-Op Under Eye Brightener by Smashbox.  A shadow diffuser of sorts-the light reflecting properties in the cream distract from shadows cast by broken capillaries and blood-pooling (also known as dark circles).  The effect: Eyes that are noticeably more open and bright.  Perfect for those rushed mornings when you didn't have time to make yourself look alive , or those who hate wearing "real makeup" and just want to look a little bit better without all that other junk.

#3 Too Faced Candlelight Powder

Finally, makeup that is actually good for and good to your skin.
An antioxidant packed light setting powder meant to achieve subtle radiance. Contains pomegranate extract to encourage smooth skin, aloe vera extract to help retain skin's moisture levels, Chamomile to soothe and calm sensitive or irritated skin,  Vitamin C sustains collagen and acts as  a natural brightener, and lastly, a content of pure gold (yes, like earrings) is proven to not only tighten skin, but to refine imperfections.  Amen.  Dust onto the highest point of the cheekbones, the chin, and the bridge of your nose for the right look.

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